Keeping Your Home and Yard Mosquito-Free

In addition to being a major nuisance, mosquitoes can also spread dangerous infections. Remember that it’s ideal to stop mosquitoes from entering the house in the first place! Following this easy checklist, you can prevent mosquitoes from reproducing in your yard and entering your home and do pest control in Edmonton.

Here are some strategies for eliminating mosquitoes indoors

Prevent mosquitoes from entering your home.

    Ensuring mosquitoes can’t enter is the first step toward a mosquito-free house. If you don’t have nets over your windows and doors, shut them as tightly as possible when night falls. Mosquitoes are less active during the day but become more numerous as night falls. Mosquitoes can be eliminated indoors by preventing their entry.

    By purchasing door strips online, you may prevent mosquitoes from entering your home through the cracks in your doors and windows you can have pest control in Edmonton.

    To reduce mosquito populations, indoor breeding should be prevented.

    Another thing to consider while trying to figure out how to manage mosquitoes at home is whether or not there are any places inside your home where mosquitoes can spawn. Standing water can serve as a mosquito breeding site from an air conditioner or a garden. Mosquitoes are attracted to dark, damp places, so if you have a storage room or kitchen loft where you keep unused stuff, clean it regularly.

    To reduce mosquito activity around your property, fill any ditches with earth and keep your drains covered and cleaned regularly.

    Maintain mosquito-repellent vegetation

    Indoor mosquito repellent plants are a simple solution for getting rid of pests. You can keep these indoors or on your desk to keep mosquitoes away. Some of these plants effectively repel mosquitoes and other insects and rodents. Because of their compact size, these plants are ideal for use as mosquito repellent in the home.

    Marigolds, tulsi, lemongrass, citronella (which thrives in cooler areas), mint, and catnip are indoor mosquito-repellent plants you may grow.

    Always have some sliced lemon and cloves on hand.

    Using lemons and cloves together is a tried and true strategy for eliminating mosquitoes from your home. Cloves and citrus scents are very repellent to mosquitoes. So, cut a lemon in half and stuff cloves into each half. Keep bowls of these lemons, flavored with cloves, around the house to deter insects. It can be used as a safe and effective indoor mosquito deterrent.

    Spray the area with garlic oil to discourage mosquitoes.

    A simple garlic spray works excellently to avoid using chemical-laden insect sprays. Prepared by boiling several crushed or minced garlic cloves in water. To use the solution as a mosquito repellent around the house, pour it into a spray bottle and spray the area.

    The anti-mosquito qualities of garlic are only one of its many uses around the house. Even though garlic has a strong odor, it quickly dissipates and is no longer detectable after killing mosquitoes.

    Maintain a dish of soapy water.

    Did you know that a dish of soapy water can be used to keep mosquitoes away from your home? A large dish of soapy water can repel mosquitoes inside a residence. Make sure there are bubbles all over the dish when you add soap. To do this, use your regular laundry detergent or dishwashing soap.

    Water is a major mosquito magnet. They’ll be able to sit on this dish of soapy water, but they’ll drown in the foam and eventually die.


    If you own a home in Edmonton, you spend much time in the front and back yards. You may also wonder how to ward off mosquitoes in your yard. You need pest management company or pest control services in Edmonton. It may seem impossible to rid your yard of mosquitoes and their annoying buzzing and biting. However, if you take preventative measures, you may eliminate mosquitoes from your yard this year and next.